Created by evidence-based health professionals
To set the precedent for women’s health education and outcomes.
Created by
health professionals
The Live Life Whole Project combines Psychological theories on wellbeing with the Bio-Psychosocial model of patient health care to specifically address the unmet needs of women and girls through the health care system.
Using its three core pillars – Physical, Mental and Emotional, the Live Life Whole team believes no one area of health is more important than the other and that all aspects interconnect and influence each other.
With a team of experienced health professionals across ALL areas of wellbeing, using its six core topics, Live Life Whole empowers its participants with the knowledge and tools they need to better understand the physiology and psychology of a female’s wellbeing.
Explore The Live Life Whole program framework >

Psycological theories on wellbeing

A bio-psychosocial approach to health
Across more than 70 schools & 15,000 girls - The Live Life Whole Framework is creating a measurable difference >
85% of girls will make a positive behaviour change after their Live Life Whole experience
95% found Live Life Whole helpful for reasons of:
- Improved awareness on WHEN to seek help
- Improved confidence & self esteem
- Improved confidence to ASK for help
- Improved skills for lifelong learning
Now meet our team of experienced health-professionals
& passionate facilitators >